Joel A reviewed The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett (The Discworld series)
Shaggy but fun
4 stars
OK, the plot had enormous confusing holes but it was amusing all the way through on a scene-by-scene level.
Hardcover, 285 pages
Spanish language
Published Sept. 18, 2008 by Random House Mondadori, S.A..
En un mundo plano sostenido por cuatro elefantes impasibles -que se apoyan en la espalda de una tortuga gigante- habitan los estrafalarios personajes de esta novela: un hechicero avaro y torpe, un turista ingenuo cuyo fiero equipaje le sigue a todas partes sostenido por cientos de patitas, dragones que existen si se cree en ellos, gremios de ladrones y asesinos, espadas mágicas, la Muerte y, por supuesto, un extenso catálogo de magos y demonios... En esta serie de novelas se dan cita todos los temas y situaciones del género fantástico, visto a través del personalismo y corrosivo sentido dela comicidad de un autor inglés que se ha convertido en uno de los escritores de humor de mayor éxito y fama en el mundo.
OK, the plot had enormous confusing holes but it was amusing all the way through on a scene-by-scene level.
The color of magic is the first installment of Pratchett's disc world series. It follows Rincewind, a wizard who only knows one spell, and Twoflower, a dangerously curious tourist from the other side of the disc.
I think Pratchett's way of telling the story isn't my style. Too much detail, too much unnecessary information, which would've been suitable for some sort of sequel, but not for the first book of a 40+ book series.
Nonetheless, I did enjoy this book. I think this fantasy series has a lot of potential, and Pratchett's creativity and fantasy is astoundingly surprising, which constantly makes me wonder how in the world he came up with this novel.
His creativity is very entertaining yo read, Nx I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Mrakoplaše zrovna nemusím, ale tohle byla moje první kniha o Zeměploše a chytlo mě to.
While a bit overwhelming and sometimes inconsistent, this was a fun read.