The Lovecraft Compendium

204 pages

English language

Published Aug. 5, 2016


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3 stars (1 review)

2 editions


3 stars

By my count, I've already read four different books that either touched on, danced around, or directly referenced Lovecraft's greater mythos, without ever actually giving the source material a shot. Figured it was time to finally rectify that.

This was an interesting collection in that the entries were sorted in chronological order of when they were written, and coincidentally I enjoyed the later pieces better than the earlier ones. It was all pretty uniformly dense to get through however; sentences ran long and used obscure and uncommon vocabulary for seemingly its own sake. Definitely a unique style, but not exactly one that I was a fan of. At times I could see the value of mimicking a character's descent into madness or trying to decipher true meaning from a complicated text (something that characters do a few times), but mostly it just felt like a book that actively resisted being …