Ministry of Time

A Novel

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Ministry of Time (2024, Simon & Schuster)

English language

Published July 18, 2024 by Simon & Schuster.


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4 stars (2 reviews)

4 editions

Great concept, underwritten

4 stars

Time travel - if considered a genre, is a favorite of mine. (I especially enjoyed The Psychology of Time Travel and If/Then). I found this was such a cool premise, having people return from centuries past and see how they adapt to the modern world, however, it was slow going. For me it picked up a little toward the end.

Not what I was hoping for

3 stars

I was excited to read this as the premise is brilliant. Sadly, I found it a bit of a dud. The story got progressively less engaging and incorporated a “twist” I found trite, and the middling resolution made the whole story weaker. No characters were particularly engaging and I found the arctic chapters and the musings of the main character more of a distraction than an enhancement. I didn't particularly care for the writing style, and also lampshading something doesn't magically make it not bad. All told, an ok read but not a book for me.