Двір шипів та троянд

тверда, 560 pages

Ukrainian language

Published July 18, 2021 by Vivat.

OCLC Number:

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2 stars (3 reviews)

Землі людей і край чарівних фейрі Прифія ніколи не перетиналися, розділені високою Cтіною та неприязню. Це тривало століттями. Поки одного разу юна мисливиця Фейра не вбила вовка. За його личиною насправді ховався один з фейрі. Тепер безсмертний Тем- лін вимагає відплати. Він забирає Фейру зі світу людей до свого маєтку в Прифії. Довічне ув’язнення з безсмертним — невесела перспектива. Але поступово Фейра розуміє, що між нею і Темліном чимало спільного, попри вік, походження та столітню ненависть. І тоді, коли світ Темліна огорне тінь зла, лише дівчина зі світу людей зможе врятувати край фейрі... Або приректи його на страшну загибель

24 editions

No fucking stars

1 star

Lord this book was misogynistic and dumb. The only use for this book is to read it in order to make fun of it or to use it as example of how to write terribly and then vow to never ever write anything like this book. In the acknowledgements the author said she worked on this book for YEARS! Holy hell. It felt like it was written in a few months while under the influence of lots of stimulants. I hate this book so much. I hate the author for having written it. Edit: I have to put at least a half a star in order for it to be considered that I "rated" this book something. No stars is not an option and just means "unrated" but I want you to know I really mean No fucking stars. It does not even deserve half a star.

Hades and Persephone with a touch of Beauty and the Beast.

4 stars

I had been promising myself that I would read this series but I always kept putting it off. Mostly, this was due to the fact I had read A Throne of Glass a long time ago and found the female lead not readily to my liking. I had always promised myself that I would eventually give it another try but first, I wanted to read A Court of Thorn and Roses. I had been hearing a lot of mixed reviews but my friends have mostly been the ones telling me that the series was much better once you started reading it.

I won't lie when I have been told that the series is a mixture of Hades and Persephone with Beauty and the Beast. I have always been a sucker for these and I had placed this series on my TBR. Now that I had time, I decided this would …