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Leo rated A Sport and a Pastime: 4 stars
Leo rated Vampire in love and other stories: 4 stars
Leo rated Marie Antoinette's Watch: 3 stars
Leo rated The Birds (Peter Owen Modern Classics): 4 stars
Leo rated The Bhagavad gita.: 1 star
The Bhagavad gita. by Juan Mascaró (The Penguin classics, L121)
Leo rated Darwin Comes to Town: 3 stars
Darwin Comes to Town by Menno Schilthuizen
With human populations growing, we're having an increasing impact on global ecosystems, and nowhere do these impacts overlap as much …
Leo rated They Thought They Were Free: 5 stars
Leo rated As Serious As Your Life: 5 stars
As Serious As Your Life by Val Wilmer (Serpent's Tail Classics)
In this classic account of the new black music of the 1960s and 70s, celebrated photographer and jazz historian Val …