Light Singer

A Kingdom of Runes Kingdom of Runes, Part 4

Paperback, 452 pages

English language

Published Aug. 11, 2020 by Starfall Press.


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5 stars (1 review)

Haven escaped the clutches of the new Sun Sovereign and found solace in Shadoria, but for how long? Now that the extent of her powers is known, Solis, Noctis, and mortals all hunt her. Meanwhile, chaos reigns across the land. The immortal realm is ruled by a depraved King who will stop at nothing to reclaim Haven as a weapon, while the mortal lands must choose between serving a tyrant or following Prince Bell, the Kinslayer. And below, in the Netherworld, a great evil awaits, amassing an army of untold powers.Hunted, plagued by doubt, and torn between duty and love, Haven must find a way to broker peace between the nations before it’s too late.

2 editions

Review of 'Light Singer' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If you've been enjoying the Kingdom of Runes series up to this point, book 4 in the series isn't going to disappoint. It gives us precisely what we've all been wanting and what has been building up over the course of the previous installments, and so much more!

Kingdom of Runes just keeps getting better with each book, taking us deeper and deeper into the characters' backstories, expanding the world and showing us the development of the relationships between characters along the way. Light Singer was easily yet another five star installment, with the delightful promise of an epic crescendo that should come with the fifth book: Dark Bringer.

Back to Light Singer though, and we finally get an installment that's almost entirely dedicated to exploring the relationship between Haven and Stolas, featuring all of the Stolas we've been craving for in the past books. You'll get plenty of pay-off …