The Inmate

Paperback, 388 pages

Published June 12, 2022 by Hollywood Upstairs Press.


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2 stars (1 review)

1 edition

Review of 'The Inmate' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This book was okay and I enjoyed it in so far as that it was a quick and easy read that was unpredictable and kept me guessing, but it wasn't great and I'm not sure I'd go out of my way to recommend it. Here's why:

The entire story hinges on the protagonist, Brooke, making the absolute, most stupid choices possible at every turn in the book. She really takes naïveté to the next level; beyond what is reasonable, in my opinion. I don't feel any sensible, rational person who went through what she did would reasonably make most of the decisions that underpinned the premise of this story. You can justify the odd irrational or stupid decision here and there, we all make poor choices after all, but it was just every single one in this novel, almost to the point of insulting the readers' intelligence.

For the story …