English language

5 stars (1 review)

How far would you go? Seven months ago, Lily started transitioning.

It had been a quick, unexpected decision: meeting her classmate Anna and Anna’s theyfriend Elanor at a party awoke something in her, and she came out the very next day.

There were some hiccups along the way, to be sure. Getting from there to here has been neither simple nor easy, but with the help of her friends and her girlfriend, Lily managed to overcome all obstacles in her way: she’s now a happy, fulfilled young woman, instead of the angry and depressed boy she used to be.

When she and her girlfriend are about to become intimate for the first time, however, Lily realises she can’t stand it any longer. She has to come clean. She has a confession to make.

She’s been pretending to be trans the whole time.

A young man from a conservative background decides …

1 edition

Genius Roasting and Heartwarming Self-Revelations

5 stars

Storm takes this absolutely absurd premise and makes it work—the protagonist is believable, the plot development inevitable, the unfolding revelations and romance are beautiful. There is no small measure of humour, as well, and deep wells of compassion for all of us humans stuck in such an absurd world as this. A truly marvelous book.