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Joined 5 months ago

History, fiction, sci-fi, nature, cycling… really anything that catches my attention.

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Orwell’s Roses (Hardcover, 2021, Granta) 4 stars

“In the year 1936 a writer planted roses.” So begins Rebecca Solnit’s new book, a …

An unusual approach to Orwell biography

4 stars

The book is centered on Orwell but with diversions into gardening and the history and politics of his time and ours. Not all sections are completely successful but still an interesting and worthwhile look at Orwell and his world.

North Woods (2023, Random House Publishing Group) 4 stars

History, nature, the supernatural…

4 stars

A story of change and loss centered on a house in the woods of western MA. The voice and style change with the residents over 250 years. Occasionally the author gets too fond of his cleverness and could have benefited from more forceful editing. He is clever however and much is beautifully written. Recommended.