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Joined 1 year ago

I am Nani, an avid reader from Germany. I enjoy reading fiction, especially fantasy, science fiction and historical novels. Sometimes I also delve into non-fiction books to broaden my knowledge. As a hobby, I work on my own novels, which I hope to publish one day. Feel free to write me a message. I'm happy to make new friends who love to read.

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Equilon (Paperback, German language, dtv) 3 stars

Was, wenn das System entscheidet, ob dein Leben zählt? Jenna hat es geschafft: Sie hat …

Gute Ansätze mit zu wenig Tiefe

3 stars

Equilon ist eine Geschichte, die sehr viel Spannendes ankündigt, für mich aber nicht alle Erwartungen erfüllen kann. Persönlich hätte ich mir mehr Details zur technischen Thematik gewünscht. Es wird manch interessante Idee aufgegriffen, dann jedoch nicht ausgestaltet. Leider verläuft sich das Ganze durch den Fokus auf Coming-of-Age und versucht zu viele Themen gleichzeitig anzusprechen, die aufgrund ihrer Schwere mehr Behandlung benötigen. Spannend zu lesen mit guten Ansätzen, zum Ende jedoch zu vorhersehbar und nicht tiefgehend genug für mich.

reviewed Grass by Sheri S. Tepper

Grass (2022, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 5 stars

Generations ago, humans fled to the cosmic anomaly known as Grass. But before humanity arrived, …

Unique science fiction story with many facets

5 stars

When I read the cover, I expected a mix of normal science fiction and horror. Grass, however, is much more than that. It offers fairly detailed descriptions about the world and features many characters with different motives. Religion, politics, personal motives collide and strange metaphysical events happen. The world on Grass feels much more like an episode from the High Middle Ages, although advanced science is discussed in between. The whole is underpinned by complex family drama. Add to that the danger that is omnipresent on the planet. An exciting read that I didn't expect, even if it was a bit lengthy and complex at times.