A Psalm for the Wild-Built (EBook, 2021, Tom Doherty Associates) 5 stars

It’s been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; …

If you're willing to trade your email and are in the US and Canada, until tomorrow (end-of-day Eastern Time on May 6), you can trade your email at for a ebook collection that includes this novella. If you bounced off of Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, this is a great way to give Becky Chambers a second try, which I encourage folks to do! I've read all of her books, and Long Way is by far my least favorite.

This book is a totally new series set on some sort of future-Earth-analog, and the hopeful eco-solarpunk warm-cup-of-tea post-apocalypse world is a perspective I didn't know I was missing until I read it. Highly recommended, and if you hate it, hey, it's only 160 pages.

And speaking generally: I find Chambers' writing (especially after Long Way) to be hopeful and optimistic without being cloying or insubstantial, which is …