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Karen Page: The Vegetarian Flavor Bible (Hardcover, 2014) 5 stars

Throughout time, people have chosen to adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet for a variety …


5 stars

If I could only own one cookbook, it would be this, which isn't actually a cookbook, but rather an encyclopedia of what flavors go with what. I have one ingredient in mind that I'm excited to bake with, and I can look it up and get a comprehensive list of what will go well with it. A particularly good outcome was bread with preserved lemons, fennel seeds, and green olives.

Miyoko Schinner: Vegan Meat Cookbook (2021, Ten Speed Press) 4 stars

If you're really into fake meat, this is for you

4 stars

This whole cookbook reminds me of a recipe note in Veganomicon, which advises the reader not to bother serving it to omnivores, and "save this for appreciative vegetarians and vegans." If you're not already pumped about fake meat, skip this.

Most of the book is recipes for meals which include fake meat. The ones I made were pretty good! I generally find that I add more seasoning and fat than she suggests, and of the recipes I've added to my rotation, I don't make any of them exactly as written.

I've been living off the batches of the chili for weeks, with some added veggies and almost twice as much chili powder.

Usually I get recipes intended to have meat in them and do substitutions, which works fine for me, but it was fun to cook from recipes that are on the same page as me from the outset. …

Miyoko Schinner: Vegan Meat Cookbook (2021, Ten Speed Press) 4 stars

Content warning this is the pettiest recipe pet peeve, but: