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Getting Things Done...Fast!: The Ultimate Stress-Free Productivity System (Your Coach In A Box) (2005) 5 stars

Review of 'Getting Things Done...Fast!: The Ultimate Stress-Free Productivity System (Your Coach In A Box)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It's sad that this is no longer commercially available anywhere because IMO, even though it's dated in some ways that make it kind of comical now (wow! the palm pilot! amazingly high tech!) the in-the-room energy of it kind of makes it the most compelling presentation of this material. A great listen if you can find it and you are looking for a refresh on the book. (If you can't find it you should just read the book)

L'héritage de saint Leibowitz (Paperback, 2000, Denoël) 4 stars

Highly unusual After the Holocaust novel. In the far future, 20th century texts are preserved …

Review of "L'héritage de saint Leibowitz" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Half a century later this book's particular brand of nuclear anxiety seems a little cliche and silly--especially with regard to human deformity. Since it takes place mostly in an abbey it's not terribly surprising how few women there are in it, but I'm not crazy about the treatment of the two (three?) notable female characters in the book's third part. But despite its fault I thought the book was well worth reading, for the thoughtful, dry, darkly humorous tone throughout.