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Brave New World (Paperback, 1998, HarperPerennial) 4 stars

Aldous Huxley's profoundly important classic of world literature, Brave New World is a searching vision …

A bit too "on-the-nose"

3 stars

I guess it might be the point of the book, but I couldn't feel that any character was real, everything felt stereotypical; while at the same time that "prediction" of the future does not seem plausible to me.

And I repeat, it might be the point of the book, so, if that is the case, then great job. I just did not enjoy it or gained any interesting insight.

Frankenstein (2021, Independently Published) 4 stars

Review of 'Frankenstein by Mary Shelley' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


I seriously liked the first half. It definitely became a bit boring afterwards.

There are some very beautifully written segments, but there is also some character behavior that... maybe was normal 200 years ago, but definitely made me disconnect a bit from the story.

I will be reading the revised story, because I've heard great things about it and there is definitely a lot to learn from these.

Por si las voces vuelven (Paperback, Español language, 2021, Editorial Planeta) 5 stars

Hace unos años me rompí por completo. Tanto como para que tuvieran que atarme a …

Review of 'Por si las voces vuelven' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Extremadamente recomendable. Unas buenas lecciones de vida entre risas y flipadas que sinceramente desconocía que alguien como él pudiera llegar a sentir, lo cual espero sirva también para no dejar pasar las alarmas insospechadas como falsas.

Consumido en formato audiolibro con la propia voz de Ángel Martín.

La sombra del viento (Hardcover, Spanish language, 2004, Planeta) 5 stars

Un amanecer de 1945, un muchacho es conducido por su padre a un misterioso lugar …

Review of 'La sombra del viento' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Uno de esos libros que van despacio, pero están escritos con un trazo inolvidable. Marcados quedarán por siempre muchos de estos personajes en mi memoria.

Es una historia auténtica, y creo que apta para cualquier amante de la literatura.

Si tenéis la oportunidad, el audiolibro de Jordi Boixaderas será un acompañante magnífico en vuestros diarios viajes al trabajo.

The Old Man and the Sea (1996, Scribner) 4 stars

The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. Told in …

Review of 'The Old Man and the Sea' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was not impressed, but definitely entertained. Good writing, it made me feel things, definitely. But at the end of the day... that is it. Just a single-afternoon short story about an old man having a very rough couple days at work trying to gain back some respect from himself. I hope he is fine, now.

Una corte de llamas plateadas (castellano language, 2021, Crossbooks) 4 stars

Desde que fue forzada a meterse en el Caldero y se convirtió en alta fae …

Review of 'Una corte de llamas plateadas' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Entretenida novela que, aunque me divirtió en muchos de sus giros, falla (al menos para mí) estrepitosamente en uno de ellos y me deja con un sabor amargo en la boca.

Aún así, creo que fue una digna historia para este re-arranque con la lectura que estoy realizando en mi vida.

Man's Search for Meaning (Paperback, 2007, Beacon Press) 4 stars

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in …

Review of "Man's Search for Meaning" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Combinando vivencias con análisis médico, este libro deja huella en todo aquel que lo lea. Lecciones, una tras otra, que te maravillan y asustan al mismo tiempo, y que espero que causen las mejores reflexiones en las mentes de toda persona digna.

Mrs. Dalloway (2002) 3 stars

Virginia Woolf’s novel chronicles a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, a politician’s wife …

Review of 'Mrs. Dalloway' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Maybe I'll feel different at another point in my life, but I simply cannot recommend this book right now.

I had to go to third party sources to understand the whole thing due to its chaotic writing, and even after all that... turns out there was no story to follow, really.

I could certainly enjoy some descriptions, but it was overall a lot of effort to not prefer doing something else.

It was also the first book I read in a while so hopefully I'll come back in 20 years and find out how wrong I was.