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We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself (Paperback, 2021, Pluto Press) No rating

In 2008, as the storms of the financial crash blew, Isabelle Fremeaux and Jay Jordan …

Many in the movement against the airport did not fear the magical formula of fabulation, "act as if". The performative art of invoking desirable fictions was perfected when the movement began casting the immutable collective belief: there would never be an airport. There were many ways this belief was formulated, but two key tactics were a declaration of a six-point vision for the future of the zad, and the disobedient construction of substantial buildings, envisioned as a longterm mainstay of community. A vision for the zone after the cancellation of the airport was formalized in 2015 following a long period of discussion within the movement. It came in the punchy six-point declaration of how the bocage and the life that inhabits it would organize in a post-airport future. Key was that those who had cared for and saved the bocage would be able to stay, thus keeping a diversity of ways of living and farming, organized in an assembly where those living on the land would gather to decide the modalities of its use. Entitled "Because there will never be an airport at Notre-Dame-des-Landes," the 6 points were distributed as posters and flyers, and were repeated through media and at rallies. They became powerful imaginative anchors for collectively believing in a future other than the airport.

We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself by ,

We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself (Paperback, 2021, Pluto Press) No rating

In 2008, as the storms of the financial crash blew, Isabelle Fremeaux and Jay Jordan …

In the anti-roads movement, there was a twin strategy of what we called 'fluffy' disobedience in the daytime, blocking the bulldozers often with local residents support, and at night secretly sabotaging the machines, called "pixieing" after mischievous fairies. It worked: despite losing many key battles, the war was won, and 600 planned roads were canceled.

We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself by ,

Kindred (Paperback, 2008, Beacon Press) 5 stars

The first science fiction written by a black woman, Kindred has become a cornerstone of …


5 stars

I liked this A Lot. Got through it in a couple of days because I really empathized with the characters and was keen to see what happened to them. I think the book is based on a very interesting idea. The horror of slavery is described very clearly and I have the impression that I somewhat understood it.

Politisch aktiv sein und bleiben (Paperback, Unrast Verlag) 4 stars

Die politischen und persönlichen Herausforderungen nehmen für engagierte Menschen stetig zu. Wie können wir – …

Sehr umfangreicher, wertvoller Beitrag

4 stars

Ich werde mir das Buch auf jeden Fall fürs Regal noch mal kaufen (gerade habe ich es nur geliehen) und noch oft darin nachschlagen. Mir gefällt sehr gut dass es nach einem "Baukastenprinzip" aufgebaut ist. So kann die Leser*in je nach aktuellem Interesse und persönlicher Lage entweder nach Theorie oder nach praktischen Tipps suchen. Dabei gibt es Hinweise zum Umgang mit eigenen Schwierigkeiten und denen von Freund*innen sowie Tipps zur Prävention und zum Umgang in der Politgruppe. Hauptsächlich ist es eine Sammlung von Wissen, das auch vor dem Buch schon vorhanden war, aber die übersichtliche Aufbereitung an einem Stück und das In-Kontext-Setzen macht es zu einem wertvollen Buch.

Mir hat gefehlt dass sich der Autor kaum mit der eigenen gesellschaftlichen Positionierung auseinandergesetzt hat, obwohl er viel von sich und seinem persönlichen Lebens- und Aktivismus-Weg erzählt. Es wird oft erwähnt dass in Bewegungen von POC und außerhalb von Europa/Nordamerika sehr viel …

Entertaining, but no must-read

3 stars

A crime novel that really surprises and intrigues at some points. I like how it uses language to convey the protagonist's state of mind - at some points it reads very convincingly psychedelic. But all the characters other than the protagonist are just roughly sketched. In the end, I learned nothing new from the book and it didn't change my mind on anything... Towards the end, the N-word is used twice.

Speaking in Silence (Paperback, Eva Tas Foundation) 2 stars

In the holiday paradise Vietnam, social media are allowed only to provide and exchange personal …

Interesting subject but a hard read

2 stars

I don't know if the translation or the original writing was the problem, but I really missed the flow in that one. Even though it has only 76 pages, it took me almost a year to finish because it was so hard for me to concentrate.